Blog Post #4: Application of the Checklist (Week 4/5 Assessment EDDL 5111)

Using the checklist that our class developed during the discussion in week 4, I will review one example of media appropriate for my classroom. Share the results and post your example of educational technology with your analysis on your blog during week 5.

This was the checklist my team came up with (including the 4 basic questions posed by the course):

  1. What subject area does this tool support?
  2. At what level could this tool be used? (e.g., preschool, elementary school, for adults, or designated a grade level if that seems important)
  3. What is the stated purpose of the tool?
  4. Does the technology supports student engagement, collaboration and collective learning amongst students?
  5. Is the technology a transferable skill?
  6. Is the technology accessible and the navigation manageable?
  7. Is the technology internationally accessible?
  8. Does the technology meets FIPPA privacy guidelines?
  9. Does the technology align with UDL and is it adaptable for IELPs
  10. Does the technology have built in tools for assessment and evaluation?
  11. Can the technology be adapted to all K-12 learners?
  12. Does the technology accommodates neurodiversity?
  13. Is the technology economically viable for both students and schools?

The media I want to analyze:

The media that I wanted to try after exploring all the new tools these past couple weeks is FlipGrid. After reading teacher reviews and trying it out for myself, it looks awesome! It’s a platform for students to create short videos in a common space together. It’s a fun alternative to text-based communication. It could be adaptable to any subject area, and could work for many age groups, even young kiddos as long as they can work a camera! The transferable skills practiced here is oral language skills, social responsibility, and technology proficiency. The website is really easy to use and each assignment link could be easily copy and pasted into a QR code generator or onto a Google Classroom platform. I’m not 100% sure if it is internationally accessible, but I would assume that it is being such a popular resource. Privacy-wise, it does meet the guidelines and I like it because you can limit the group to work with your school domain email addresses. It allows teachers to provide custom feedback to meet your specific learning outcomes. Student could use classroom Chromebooks, but it would also work on their cell phone too! Plus, it’s free!!

Definitely going to try it in my next English class!

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